Everyone is unique so see what works for you. Try to meet lots of different people. You might be lonely sometimes and that's ok. Don't try to compete with everyone else.
Apr 21, 2024

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People are so different and diverse. And what is cultured and tapped in to one group is going to be irrelevant to another. You'll be the most happy and free if you are able to resist all of those pressures toward grouplike and alignment. The pressures will be lifelong, though often with a different flavor than right now. Although the safe thing is to get into that rudderless ship of alikeness with everyone else, the better thing is to love what you love, no apologies, with joy and passion. After a time, they'll come to you.
Feb 11, 2025
it is so freeing to realize that people liking the same things as me/ being similar to me isn’t a threat and doesnβ€˜t take away from my uniqueness as an individual. connecting with others over shared interests is such a beautiful and necessary part of life. if everyone had the same mindset that I used to have we would all just be super lonely!
Feb 2, 2024
It's funny isn't it, how often we compare ourselves to others when we are looking up and forward. Which is something I think you might be doing, looking forward instead of constantly looking back. To preface I don't know you enough to make any assumption or tell you what to do, but this could be something you can fall back to that's in the back of your head whenever you feel this way! Enjoy the little things! I doubt telling you not to feel this way or keep telling yourself you're awesome would work because they never worked on me, so just enjoy the little moments in life that makes you -- if not smile -- smirk a bit. You saw something that reminds you of a fond memory, you did something new that is small yet unique to you? celebrate those moments because those moments are what makes you inherently you. Someone here also said familiarity of yourself can be a way making you feel lame, but isn't that also such a gift because you are so in tune with yourself? You know what you're doing even if you think they are nothing comparing to others. And ultimately, maybe this could be a starting point for you to create/try/ experiment things too! If you think of yourself so far back already, what's to loose for you to break the status quo? right? Be the dryer sheet that could cause fire and burn down the entire house or something hehe. And if it goes to shit we just won't tell anybody about it. HA! To quote what I've seen somewhere during my lowest low during the pandemic- "There is no one like you, there has never been anyone like you, and there will never be anyone like you. Therefore, be yourself" beep boop bop beep boop
Feb 22, 2024

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It's the absolute cutest thing in the world, warms my dead heart
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