I know this sounds like faffy lightweight advice, but I’ve learned that the #1 thing you can do to help in stressful times is avoid moralizing and beating yourself up over your perceived failures to Do All The Stuff You’re Supposed To Do. So, you didn’t fold your laundry? Big deal! Things will slow down at some point and you can get back on track. Freeing yourself from self-imposed judgments takes a huge mental load off and helps clarify priorities and what you can focus on to get out of the hole.
Apr 25, 2024

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Anxious? Clean space clean mind. Depressed? Do your laundry or wash your linens. Lack of self confidence? Go a bit further on your skin care treatment. If you’re really glued to the seat, read a book. It’s good escapism and if you can’t do that then it’s probably time to look inward.
Feb 27, 2024
Obviously we’re all so different, but that also means it’s hard to give advice because how we process stress / how it manifests physically / how we soothe it can vary so much from person to person, and even season to season. I’ve learned to take advice and TRY EVERYTHING until I find what works for me. In my experience it’s better to try 10 different things to weed out what works for you than to pick & choose what you think will work. Just try whatever is feasible from what we recommend! Okay, rec time: Microdose gummies were a huge help for me in certain seasons. I am not a person that wants to get high; I don’t have anything against it, just don’t do it myself. The microdose is so so so low that you don’t feel it. If anything, the ones I took felt like a light melatonin feeling. Helped me calm down a lot and often helped me sleep. Baths were huge in certain seasons. Add some salt, dim the lights, play some ambient sounds or your fav calm album, and fully submerge into the void. Long drives are how I make sense of life‘s puzzles. I often take the long way home if I think the extra time will help me arrive at a calmer state. I always find myself enjoying the local traffic, getting to really look at my surroundings, using red lights to breathe and refocus my thoughts. 3 practical things that are relatively easy to do. I think anxiety / stress rob you of your time and energy. I’ve spent so much of my life under stress only to get through the very thing that stressed me and realize that I had nothing to worry about. I lost days, weeks, maybe months to stress and anxiousness. At this point in my life I’m very aggressive about not living life with stress or anxiety in the drivers seat. It’s my life to enjoy and I only get one and I want as much of it as possible to be filled with joy / happiness / peace. Hope that helps! Sending you good thoughts + prayers + vibes.
Apr 10, 2024
Try not to completely give into depression and let everything in your life go. If you have an LSAT coming up and need a job, maybe you just need to prioritize one to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Having a singular focus is really helpful because it’s less overwhelming and confusing. And making some sacrifices is better than burning out and failing everything. Can the job possibly wait? If not, I would say its really helpful to create a schedule for yourself. You’ll see that you can get a lot done in a day and still have tons of scheduled time to relax and rot in bed. But remember that rotting in bed feels soo much better when you know you spent some time making your life better. Doing nothing will make your day feel empty and meaningless. And it gets harder to get out of because you get used to it. Even spending an hour on a goal is an accomplishment. Even if you spent 10 hours on your phone, and one hour on a goal, in a year you would have way more going for you than if you spent all day on your phone. Most people are awake for 16 hours, so you could spend 8 hours being productive and still have around 8 hours to relax in bed. Schedule your day so you get a lot of relaxing breaks, so work doesn’t feel so painful. Stick to a predictable schedule. Make sacrifices in any areas that aren’t a priority. Like definitely say no to plans you don’t have time/energy for. And don’t see days that don’t work out as a failure. Like I said, even if you spent 10 hours in bed, just get 1 hour in and count that day as a success. Then you can at least say to yourself that the day couldve been worse. Don’t wait for yourself to have more energy, just use the small amount of energy you have because it kind of regenerates itself and the more productive you feel the more energized you’ll feel. I also recommend taking as many not destructive substances as necessary to get yourself going like even something like drinking more coffee than usual can give you that initial boost. And antidepressants can really help if you think you might be depressed and aren’t on them already
Aug 22, 2024

Top Recs from @theinfamousgdub

I don’t know who needs to hear this, but in most cases you’re gonna want to season your rice. After it cooks, put some oil/butter on that steamy starch and stir and salt it. It doesn’t even need to be a huge amount, but it’s going to improve things so much. You could even put a little vinegar in there too—go crazy. Everyone is gonna be like, “wow your rice tastes so good” and you can know that it’s all because of your use of FLAVORS and SCIENCE.
Apr 19, 2024
Like, it’s inherently good and sometimes it’s nice to dip the hot pizza into ranch. I don’t do it all the time, but it’s a fun treat. Also, tapatío is great on pizza.
Apr 23, 2024