somewhere along the line past being a toddler, it was decided for us that we no longer needed a nap to get through the day. I’m not sure who is responsible for this injustice, but i have even reclaiming this stolen time for years.
some people like power naps. this could be 30 minutes of no screens, just chilling with your eyes closed. falling asleep is not necessary. napping is a state of mind. I am a fan of the 2-3 hour range, where I start off with an ASMR video and drift off. I then wake up feeling solidly refreshed, but not disoriented. Bonus points for having a big swig of cold water when I wake up.
when I go past 3 hours, I risk waking up sweaty and wondering what decade I’m in. but you do you. I’m also a big fan of the couch nap, because I am lucky to have an old and well-cared for couch that has just enough softness while also supporting my back. I also enjoy sleeping on top of my covers on my bed with my favorite blanket. naps! long may they rule!