and a solar storm raged the sky to soft pink in the garden I’d watered that morning. We’d just agreed it was to be our last summer here Together, and we said “I will remember this forever” and meant it. It was the week it felt my dreams began  and I bled through my underwear  on the way to the London show. Discovered Jo was to die soon, on the way to Sheffield. It was 23 degrees in May and my thighs wore shining  beads of sweat, while I read that they’re going to drop bombs on Rafah and cried to the red Robin  roosting in the ivy. That week I felt so proud And so ashamed. So happy And so sad.  That week i saw my idols live and die. Saw my nephew roll for the first time. Asked my lover to move in, trembling as I did.  I felt fear rip through my torso as I rubbed tiger balm into my aching neck and traced the silver sliver of the moon  with camphor scented fingers.  It was the week it all began Or ended, The week I saw Mitski live, The week my dad fell off his bike, The week Albini died, The week I saw the Northern Lights and cried and cried and cried, The week before I turned 29.  - I wrote this on Saturday. Last week was the most mental week.
May 13, 2024

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is gig etiquette dead? Don’t go to a gig if you wanna just talk to your mates! go to a pub it’s what they’re for!
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