I feel like 12 is a wonderful place to start. 1 book a month. Keep it in your bathroom. Beside your bed. Where you eat your meals. Please read this year. It's one of the best things you can do for yourself. and for me, and for everyone who you'll tell, I'm reading again, and you should read with me too. Take pictures or screencaps of passages and send them to your friends. Read funny, easy books, evil and upsetting books, books that are boring but are still satisfying to finish. Go to the library. Challenge yourself. You will feel better, you'll feel proud of yourself, and you'll banish the negative moodlet of being mad or ashamed at yourself for not reading. It's ok that you haven't been. You had your reasons and it doesn't do any good to beat up on yourself. That was then and this was now. Start a book tomorrow bc it is a new day :)