At 23 I had just been married for a year, working an office job, swearing that I’d live in an apartment forever, driving this car I hated and unsure what I wanted in life. At 30, I’m eight years into marriage, and almost three into parenthood. I have had 3 different jobs since 23, we bought a house a year ago, and both my wife and I drive our ‘dream cars’ (an old Lexus truck for me and baby blue Subaru for her — we are normal people) and both working in the fields that we dreamed of. For my wife, she left her career in bridal and had two corporate jobs only to pivot back into a greater bridal role, and for me I’ve done misc jobs and ended up in this hybrid stay at home dad / teaching / design mix. Life looks so different than it did at 23. You starting over at 23 is fine. And it’s fine at 27. And at 30. And 34. And 41. And 47! Life is all about starting over. Different versions of you will be birthed and die over and over for new ones to take their place. You’re going to be fine. Start over and over and over again. Life is all about restarts!
Aug 6, 2024

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