I often dress my daughter to mimic me, but on some days she requests it for herself (hats and loose jeans and layers and shirts with cars on them). Letting her figure out her personal style at 3 is exciting and adorable. At the park today, when she took off her jacket and hoodie, she was running around in a Cars t-shirt and the hat and a lady approached me and said ā€œWow he sure does have long hair for a boy!ā€ to which I corrected her and explained that sheā€™s in fact a girl, to which she said ā€œWell why do you have her dressed like that then?ā€ ā€¦sighā€¦ Look, my wife and I arenā€™t the type to be offended by the accidental misgender, it happens with kids all the time. But what does bother me is that itā€™s clear she started the convo only to critique the clothing choices that my daughter, a literal 3 year old, made. It got me thinking likeā€¦how sad do you have to be to go out of your way to release the inner dialogue you have in your mind, knowing that youā€™re only doing it to start issues? Really would have taken no energy to not say anything at all! I politely dismissed myself from the convo and we moved on to the swings, but I do think everyone should consider just keeping quiet more often. Thereā€™s no need to say certain things. I wasnā€™t bothered by it, but I can imagine that someone else could have been and that would have been its own fun conflict to resolve. I guess the elementary school proverb still holds true today: If you canā€™t say something nice, donā€™t say anything at all!
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Sep 9, 2024

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I donā€™t mean this in a letā€™s enforce toxic positivity way. And maybe this sounds simple and obvious but Iā€™ve learned from my own experience and observations that it can be off-putting to others to always be complaining, criticizing, or saying negative things! It can really bring the energy down whether itā€™s in interactions with close friends, significant others, family, coworkers, dates, or strangers and it doesnā€™t make people feel good. This isnā€™t to say that you should never have critical thoughts, engage in difficult conversations, or share your heavy emotions with people you trust. but I think this is something people can do without even realizing itā€™s a pattern for them and it has an effect on your own psyche as well imoā€¦ and it feels great to bring a little light into someoneā€™s day šŸŒ¦ļø
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sometimes itā€™s cool to leave that shit unsaid
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why be negative when you can be positive. If you see someone do something dumb just ignore it (unless itā€™s especially funny then you can share it with friends another time). We only live once so best to focus on the positives. When youā€™re nice to others you feel much better yourself. And everyoneā€™s constantly learning, making mistakes anyway so while other people may seem uninformed sometimes, you also will be at points and you wouldnā€™t want to be ridiculed for that. As for others being negative, just nod along and ignore. Or try to change the topic.
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