I recently deleted instagram along with all my meta apps and TikTok due to them being owed by billionaires or being used to benefit them. And as much as I hate to say it… I fell lost? But how has an app become such a large part of my identity 🤮? I know morally it’s the right thing to do (at least for me) but what do I do w so much “free” time. Maybe it’s the idea of sitting w my thoughts that’s so bothersome? Also why am I having a mental breakdown over not sharing my life or FOMO?
Jan 24, 2025

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Honestly deleting social media (especially instagram) has widen my capacity for new Real world things in so many ways. Being more creative, having more original ideas, honestly just more time To think!!! I think the first month was an adjustment because it was like a dopamine cleanse, lots of overthinking and feelings of intense boredom A lot of the things projected onto me I realized were not even insecurities of my own but harbored in my brain because of tiktok/instagram I did worry about having FOMO and not seeing what my friends were up to but I can also just text them and ask ??? I feel like instagram especially is a very PASSIVE and superficial way of connecting with people. I definitely feel like my social circle decreased exponentially without it but for the better 🧍‍♀️
I need a place to archive my thoughts in a dated manner, but also not on instagram. I used to post things pretty frequently on my stories and then have a 'highlights' of the year that I could go back to look at, but now, I am not so comfortable sharing on such a commercial soul sucking platform that is data mining and surveilling and selling. I also feel like I am not, in my core, a good person. There are very few people who, when I see their success and happiness, spark genuine joy for me. For the most, I have to take a deep breath and remind myself that their life does not affect mine and that I should not let the display of their wealth of happiness, opportunity and beauty spoil the pursuit of my own. Some days, I feel so engrossed in knowing and wanting to know the updates of all the people around me. Now, I just want to shrink and disappear, I do not want people to know what I am up to and I do not want to peripherally watch others either. I want to focus on myself. I feel like I need to cut the plug on instagram with a hard delete. Maybe I will just buy myself a photo printer and print out the 'instagram' shots with their memories and make my own photobook instead. But I need to find a new way to document and archive my life.
Feb 8, 2025
With being so distanced from Instagram and TikTok now, I find myself running through the pages of apps on my phone, searching for something to do. Each time this habitual routine occurs, I feel so disappointed in how trained I am to believe that joy, entertainment, and connection solely come from the screen in my hand. It’s a bitter realization that the world around me has been ignored for so long, while offering me a far more satisfactory experience of life.
6d ago

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