i know i'm so privileged to have a chill wfh job where workload isn't high and no pressure from managers, but i also feel like something within me is dying inside. (i also definitely have undiagnosed adhd as do both my parents lol) when i DO have to do work, it is so fucking boring and i don't care about any of it. it's just writing up boring reports. so i procrastinate having to do them all the time which leads to a kind of weird low-level ambient stress that hovers over the rest of my life. the job is essentially a dead-end as i will never get promoted. my life goal is to continue writing (i currently write a substack newsletter) and one day have a novel, which technically this job allows me the time/flexibility to work on.... but i can't help wondering if staying in all day on my computer is depriving me of richer life experiences... don't get me wrong, i read as much as i can at home, call other friends with boring wfh jobs lol and do online courses etc, but idk.... i hate not feeling more agentic over my time. but does anyone ever? i've been offered a 2x a week PT role in a town nearby and it'll pay enough to cover rent but i'd definitely have to hussle for freelance stuff to make-up the difference, and idk if i'm ready to give up my laziness.... but is too much comfortability what life is about? GOD IDK
Oct 1, 2024

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growing up i felt compelled to have a job that i felt contributed something "important" to the world. there is a lot of background pressure that a career should be a "calling" or something you feel so passionate about that they couldn't not do it for a living. a really useful piece of advice i got a little over a year ago (meant to apply to scientific academia but applies just as much to humanities, arts, etc.): jobs that use the language of a "calling" do so to exploit labor. if your job is your passion, why shouldn't you burn the candle at both ends until you have nothing left but passive indifference (or, even worse, resentment) for something you once thought interesting enough to devote your entire life to? i think a bit about what my life would be like if i just did undergrad in computer science and got an avg boring programming job. lots of choice about where you live, pays pretty well, work is intellectually interesting enough, and it actually ends at 5pm so you have enough free time to explore other things you enjoy. a few friends from college chose this path and it definitely has its downsides, but its worth considering, esp. if you are really uncertain about what you actually want out of your life.
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