As an Only child thatā€™s struggled with social anxiety since forever, i have always enjoyed going to shows & functions & restaurants & doing whatever by myself. Im used to it & itā€™s natural & comfortable. Iā€™m consistently reminded how ironically this behavior has both filled my life with such amazing people & has helped practice how I show up in social settings & lessen anxiety. feeling grateful this sunday
Nov 10, 2024

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I used to be so scared of going out alone or doing anything alone. But some of my hobbies do not match with my friends so I was either gonna do them myself or not at all. If you want to go see a movie go do that, it really gives you a big push and makes you feel so much better. Yes, you do need your friends and close ones but you donā€™t have to rely on them to go do something that youā€™d want. I went to a concert a couple of weeks ago alone, which was the first big thing I did alone and it really showed me that I can do it! Punch your anxiety in the face lol Start with small stuff and make your way up! Highly recommend
Aug 5, 2024
Still love to, am just a mother so itā€™s not as often. I think a big part of it is having open energy. Keep your head up, keep your eyes open. Look around. Make eye contact with people. Smile. You donā€™t have to have anything really witty to say, but the more observing you are the easier it will be to find a way in to having conversations. It also makes things more enjoyable if you donā€™t end up finding anyone that you really connect with. Itā€™s fun to just be around people and watch (I say as an ESFP lol). But, itā€™s surprisingly easy to just join a convo or add your two cents. Iā€™m fidgety so I like having a non alcoholic drink in hand. Iā€™d say, if your reason for going is to see the artist, donā€™t sweat about connecting. Just have as much fun as you can once they start!! Itā€™s really a confidence boost to go out and do things alone and still have a good time!
Jun 23, 2024
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This is actually so easy and yet. You're capable of meeting all of your own needs and when you accept this (and expect this people are just automatically drawn in. If there's a movie you wanna go see, make the plan to go see it by yourself, and next time you're in a group of people (at work at a bar whateva) share with the group that you're going to see the movie on this date at this time and anyone is free to come. You'll be surprised at how many people will join on things. And any time anyone doesn't, it's nothing to you bc you were gonna go by yourself anyway. People are just really scared to invite people to things and even more scared to invite themselves. So just be the person to invite. If they come that's gorgeous if they don't that's also gorgeous you get to see the film either way (or go to the concert or museum or whatev)
Feb 15, 2025

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honestly recommend so hard. at least for women, I know a lot of clothes I buy are almost just right. something small is off, something doesnā€™t fit right in 1 area of my pants or shirt in the chicago neighborhoods ive lived & visited thereā€™s often a local tailor & itā€™s not expensive and makes such a huge difference!
Oct 8, 2024
Jesus fuck. growing up a neurodivergent kid w wavering mental health, a wavering home life, in and out of therapy, etc, you always hear ā€œhave you tried meditatingā€ No Susan I never fucking thought of that thank you for the recommendation Well finally at my big age, I took the leap to start practicing and Jesus fuck. Why was I avoiding this my whole life. I have been so resistant to it because itā€™s intimidating, itā€™s not instant gratification every time, and itā€™s ā€¦ well scary! What if I mess up. What you mean sitting still for ten or so mins and not thinking. I have always been big into dreams. Iā€™ve wrote down my dreams for as long as I can remember, have books upon books filled, and practice lucid dreaming. Itā€™s kind of like that but without being asleep and without any anxiety inducing scenarios Itā€™s improved a lot of areas in my life in the two short months I have been practicing Iā€™m having fun
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