The 1970s were a great decade for his career. I watched like all of them and don’t think a single one was bad. I’ll highlight Klute (1971) Don’t Look Now (1973) The Day of the Locust (1975) and Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978) also have other non-sutherland movies you may have seen but I can’t walk away without recommending Chinatown or Serpico
Oct 27, 2024

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Apr 28, 2024
recommendation image
kill me again 1989 red rock west 1993 the last seduction 1994 all three of these movies are peak neo-noir. while all of them deal with similar themes and components they somehow each stand alone and aren’t redundant. they all got moody scores, bad babe femme fatales, bad boys, good guys that get screwed over, and briefcases of money. killer casts in all of them, young val kilmer, nic cage, linda fiorentino, dennis hopper, lara flynn boyle, michael madsen, bill pullman, etc. etc. its impossible for me to pick a fav but linda fiorentino’s performance in last seduction is so good it’s hard to compete with. what’s so stand out about it too is that the other two films you’re routing for the well-meaning characters to survive yet last seduction has you totally invested in the villain
 john dahl directed other cool stuff but these are the gems
Jan 17, 2024

Top Recs from @oldmanname

Sometimes you can just exist. you don’t (hopefully) need 50 hustles. You don’t need to be a writer and musician and artist and podcaster and influencer and girlboss or whatever. you don’t even need to signal how cool or smart or attractive you are. I know it’s hard cause I think our society incentives (forces?) people to be “on” all the time, but it’s probably better for your own sake to just exist for yourself and your love ones and to adjust your expectations of what a successful or meaningful life is. Sorry for being pedantic, just know a lot of friends and family my age or younger that seem to be struggling right now in all sorts of ways. Just know, regardless of what anyone says or even what you say or do, that you guys have inherent dignity and you are worth something
Oct 9, 2024
Eat yogurt, kimchi/sauerkraut, miso, kefir, kombucha, pickles, certain soft cheeses cause they’re good for you I never had a problem shitting I just like funky foods and pretending my gut is a nightclub where all the bacteria are dancing and having a good time like it’s osmosis jones or something
Feb 12, 2024