Eat yogurt, kimchi/sauerkraut, miso, kefir, kombucha, pickles, certain soft cheeses cause they’re good for you I never had a problem shitting I just like funky foods and pretending my gut is a nightclub where all the bacteria are dancing and having a good time like it’s osmosis jones or something
Feb 12, 2024

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I always knew the importance of fiber rich foods when considering ways to improve my digestion, but I truly underestimated fermented foods. Recently I started eating culture rich yogurt and kimchi, and found I have felt noticeably better all due to improved digestion. Not to say I have more of a *pep* in my step, but I’ll admit there’s some truth to it.
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guys we all need to be taking probiotics… obviously sourcing from “whole food” options like kimchee and yogurt is great but if your gut biome needs a little extra help… kefirlab makes these incredible organic probiotic shots that are diary free (entirely coconut base) and they r so fire.. so far the vanilla coconut one is the best i ever tried. sorry for saying gut biome.
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Good for your gut biome? 2. incredibly tasty.
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Sometimes you can just exist. you don’t (hopefully) need 50 hustles. You don’t need to be a writer and musician and artist and podcaster and influencer and girlboss or whatever. you don’t even need to signal how cool or smart or attractive you are. I know it’s hard cause I think our society incentives (forces?) people to be “on” all the time, but it’s probably better for your own sake to just exist for yourself and your love ones and to adjust your expectations of what a successful or meaningful life is. Sorry for being pedantic, just know a lot of friends and family my age or younger that seem to be struggling right now in all sorts of ways. Just know, regardless of what anyone says or even what you say or do, that you guys have inherent dignity and you are worth something
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