I was celibi-cied for like 3 years after my situationship became an ‘omfg-you-are-a-serial-cheater-on-your-girlfriend-of-four-years!’ Hella afraid of love, intimacy and everything. over the past few months, I’ve been casual dating for no other means than finding out what I like and don’t like. I’ve had good and bad sex, been given flowers on the first date and then ghosted, moved to the UK and had my first proper one night stand (every other one was too drunken to remember lol) and am currently on my first bae-cation with a man I am slowly falling in love with. I promise you, dating for fun rather than for long-term involvement is so much more enriching than you think. As you’re floating around, you learn to decenter men and tolerate their mansplaining a lot less. You find out that no, you do not want to make a sex tape on the first date, and then you’ll slowly trickle in the good stuff. Kind men who just listen to you, and are a little different than the other men you’ve seen. You‘ll learn to love being treated kindly, and cherish that above all else story-watching-liking-no game bs. It’s sounds sooo irritating to say shit like phhh don’t look for it, it’ll come for you!! But girl as annoying as it is… that is the truth of the matter. I don’t know if this guy is my finish line, but I did just orgasm like 8 times 🙏🏾 I met on hinge, and lowkey ghosted him intially. give the guy in your dms a chance for real …. Wishing you and your future lover all the best…. p.s copying the other user by attaching a relevant song 😛
Nov 10, 2024

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i relate to this so much. i‘ve only just started to casually date this year after a long hiatus and the dates have been few and far between. i love thee sacred souls, future lover has been on repeat for me today after that link 🫣🥹 glad to hear you’re finding some satisfaction and success on this journey. i’m manifesting it for me too ✨
Nov 11, 2024

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I’ve been on like 5 bumble dates till now and two of them were the worst experiences ever, the other three were ok. I feel like there is a pressure on everyone to find someone, this pressure came upon me thanks to my therapist🥰✌️🥰✌️🥰she said to me, you are going to uni and never been in a relationship wtf is wrong with u🥹❤️🥹❤️ sooo I stumbled upon bumble and other dating apps and my first date was me getting sexually assaulted 😋😭😔🤪🤫💕😬🇺🇸 then somehow I continued going on dates with just girls bc fuck men am I right? and they were just basically a waste of time 😁 now after my fifth and hopefully final date from a dating app, I am officially quitting this. I feel so worthless trying to show myself off by just some lousy pictures and a one liner that says nothing about me. I just want to live on my own and like someone not by how they want to be seen, but how they actually are I feel so ashamed of even being on a dating app sometimes, that I get depressed. I get this feeling that I am superficial and just desperate for attention. I need the validation of someone I don’t even know to feel like I am worth something. Not being loved till now has made me feel like I am worth nothing, that nobody will ever want me or need me. That is why I continue doing this shit and I am stopping TODAY wish me luck😬🥰🚬🥺🤪🚬😬👈🥰🦅😮‍💨
Aug 15, 2024
im gonna ramble for a second. i have a real distaste for dating apps, but despite this i still don’t delete them. a small part of me thinks it’ll work out in my favor one day. but shoutout the loyal storylikers i’ve gained from failed hinge talking stages hahaha… i have a very loose definition of ‘type’ in terms of physicality, and even then someone physicality is never a deal breaker. usually. i don’t think i am meant to meet people this way. and i think a lot of people also say this so i am not original in this feeling, but i think i need to fall in love with a friend, someone that there is already a baseline compatibility with, a mutual appreciation already there. all the fanfic i read as a kid was a friends to lovers trope! and i think it works for a reason. that being said its scary to become friends with someone and then think your feelings are further than platonic, because now its hard to decipher between what could be deliberately flirty or just like. your standard hang ykno? i still have never successfully deciphered this so i don’t wanna stand on my soapbox and act like i have any real expertise. just thinking out loud. i’ve been kinda lonely recently and everyone around me has been getting into relationships, this venus retrograde is no joke haha. and the added nuance to the lesbian dating experience, ive been feeling more isolated than usual. sorry this one’s a bummer a little!!! maybe i should stick to album / song reviews
downloaded dating apps again after being asked for the millionth time why i'm not seeing anyone right now ... created my profile, swiped, and deleted everything within 24 hours .. again. why is everyone in such a rush to find that kind of connection? if i want a date night i'll call my friends. if i want mind-blowing physical satisfaction i'll put on a cate blanchett movie and do it myself. i just ordered a bundle of my favorite (terrible) (perfect) 1970s gothic romance novels to fufill my romantic dialogue needs... anywayssss have been feeling very content with my little life thank you to this piece (linked!!!) for validating all kinds of intimacy not just 'the one'
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