I see your Hinge and what have you and raise you Go up and introduce yourself to someone and maybe even get their phone number
Dec 5, 2024

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it‘s all about time, luck, and making a profile that’s treads the line of seductive and off-putting - be hot and put your idiosyncrasies on show in a way that is guaranteed to put some ppl off and draw the right ppl in..this broke the cycle of boring matches and dead convos for me. when I matched with my now bf he said my hinge reminded him of a tumblr profile <333 he got it the thing about hinge as well is that basically every single person looking to date in London is on it so it’s just a matter of time
Jul 20, 2024
I’m one more failed Hinge match away from turning into one of those freaks who marries their car. Old school dating (shooting your shot IRL) is coming back in a big way this year…
Jan 24, 2024
I used to go in looking to fall in love. This ended quite poorly. I might’ve also been a love addict, separate issue from apps really. But anyways, now it’s meeting new people and getting out of my routine. Went rock climbing with a lovely and kind person tonight, ate tacos and had great conversation. So I wouldn’t have done that without hinge. Especially rock climbing. Turns out rock climbing is actually really fun. I think luddites and boomers might be on to something with the slow burn, courtship, long crushing and pining when it comes to love. Don’t know if the apps are conducive to that. Should say im a pretty bad person to take dating advice from. But yea keeping it low stakes and getting to know people is sick, can’t hurt yea ? *sub rec*: rock climbing. Great full body workout, challenges the mind a bit as well.
Feb 26, 2025

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Like Bruce Springsteen
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When the bar or venue or whatever is underground and you have to descend into the place because you can say some shit like “We are entering the seedy underbelly of this wicked city” “You know,” *cig drag* “crime is only a left-handed form of human endeavor.” And then your friends can be like “Viv, you can’t smoke inside Dude also where the fuck did you find a pipe and a fedora What are you even saying” Giving you the opportunity to respond with a “Beat it toots, you’re too pretty for these streets anyhow” Then you remember your friend already offered to pay for the Uber XL home and you have like 11 bucks so you drop the bit but the sentiment is still there below the surface
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