pie lover over cake forever but specifically strawberry rhubarb the way my grandma makes it....sweet + bitter + juicy.....the Whole Foods version comes pretty close 2 perfection but haven't found any recipes that approximate her crust...forever searching
i love anything and all things pumpkin, and it’s definitely not limited to pumpkin pie. i have lots of wonderful memories baking it growing up and i have perfected my recipe over the years.
i also love oyster dressing (stuffing), which is a recipe that has been passed down on my dad’s side. i’ve never seen it anywhere except with my family
Coffee and pie, oh my.
I was sent home from my work Thanksgiving with a full, blackberry pie. Of course, it makes a lovely dessert but what feels more like a holiday weekend than pie for breakfast?
I feel like when I was younger, and honestly even up until recently, I really enjoyed things that made people perceive me a specific way but like? no one cares (positive connotation)! and we need to indulge in smallish things that make us happy. Right now I’m loving mulled wine, we all need to be drinking mulled wine. The one positive thing about trends is when something is popular it is everywhere. Let’s get mulled wine everywhere so I can enjoy it in Vermont but ALSO in California. Needing it.