So not long time ago i wrote about the fact that i wanna quit smoking, it's been kind of hard however i managed to reduce how many cigs i smoke per day with some simple steps (reducing is better than nothing, a 1% progress is better than 0%) :
1 - No morning Cigarette.
2 - No indoors smoking - only in the balcony even if it's So cold outside.
3 - No more after shower cigarette, i rather do my skin care + put on some lotion in order to smell good, because once i smell good i REFUSE to get dirty with the cig smell.
4 - No more smoking while walking (for example when i am going to work, or on my way to a coffeeshop) .
5 - When in the coffeeshop i used to smoke 4 cigs per hour, i reduced that to 3.
6 - Reduce my smoke breaks at work.
7 - i apply hand cream to be able to keep my hands clean and avoid to get them smelly with the smoke cigs when i have the little craving, that i way i can "postpone" the smoke break for after.
8 - if the pack is finished during the day then i avoid to buy one until the next day.
9 - i avoid smoking cigs in the car (no matter how long the road).
10 - Buying one pack for two days instead of one.
I hope with these small steps i will be able to reduce it to the point where i will quit smoking forever ^^