everyone recommends pet sounds, and while I agree, this album is criminally underrated if you like synth pop or are just looking for a music rec I highly vouch for it ! :) also their lofi trilogy albums (smiley smile, wild honey, and friends)
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1. VELVET UNDERGROUND AND NICO EATTTTTS, and i won’t hear anything else OKAYYYYY 💅💅 2. AHHHH this is such a good album, always written off as just a soundtrack, or WORSE, a collection of singles 😭😭✋ like even if that’s partially true, you can’t deny the sheer volume of slay this album exudes 3. bob dylan. that’s all. also, all 60s dylan albums are great, i’m only picking this one cause it‘s got don’t think twice, it’s alright, which i LOVE so very much. 4. even Beatles For Sale, EVEN BEATLES FOR SALE. the beatles don’t have a single BAD album, and i stand by that forever and everrrrrrr. have a good one slays, and listen to BLUE JAY WAYYYY (blue jay SLAYY) 💕💕
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