i miss weird phones as much as anybody but honestly i think phones are too much of a solved technology at this point. the touchscreen was the best thing to happen to software and the worst thing to happen to hardware. it also doesn't help that there are fewer manufacturers now and they have more of an incentive than ever to keep making more boring, more expensive designs with higher margins. at least some of the new folding/bending ones are sort of cool but there's only so far they can go.
Jan 17, 2025

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I get what you mean and agree that modern tech probably wont ever really go back, but I wish it would. invonvenience is kind of a blessing. it makes everything you do much more intentional. Much more thought out. Mainstream might never go back, but could if you wanted. buy an old flip phone. They definitely have ones that work with modern networks. Be the change you wanna see in the world or something like that
Feb 9, 2025

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I think I have the opposite of whatever Steve Jobs had because I hate touch screens. I miss the feeling of a real *click* in cars to eject a cd and the tactile sensation of dialing numbers etc. flicking switches and turning dials needs to make a comeback.
Feb 2, 2024
I long for when phones were only used for texting/calling. We need to bring back phones where you can’t play videos or even see pictures like. Personally we as a society need to go back to old technology. These smart phones are killing us slowly and we are enjoying it unfortunately.
Jan 30, 2025

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