(this is late but IDC!!!) i’m such a big homebody, and when i move somewhere i like to make a nest out of wherever i live (ie decorate and get comfortable) and thats the only way i can make a space feel okay to me. it’s been hard bc i’ve moved places every year for the past 4 years, and now it’ll be even harder because i’m moving AGAIN short term and then travelling around a bit (also maximalism and moving around this much does NOT mix!!!) feeling at home is really important to me but i know i won’t be staying anywhere long enough to really settle in, so i’m terrified!! but i want to be able to create a sense of home within myself and maybe through a few comfort objects. think this would be handy in future as well!! don’t know how i’m gonna do this but ya that’s my tea 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽
Jan 26, 2025

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everybody needs their cave!
Jan 26, 2025

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when things are just going so well that you get scared as hell waiting for it all to fall apart. It’s a normal feeling, but a dirty, nasty thief of joy. Don’t let it convince you to borrow grief from the future and ruin the now. also, I moved a hell of a lot growing up too and I also thought I wanted to root myself in one place forever and ever when I “grew up” — it was just an outsized response to the reality of my moment. As an adult, I get itchy when I stay in one place too long and I’m realizing that a substantial part of who I am will always have 1 eye on the horizon. I’m figuring out how to make peace with that now. I’m also leaning into the fact that I am much more comfortable with change than most of my peers! it can be a super power if you let it :)
Dec 29, 2024
i have been home from uni for a while over christmas break. i think about this often but i genuinely believe that uni has allowed me to grow so much as a person, to find the parts of myself that i really needed, and to understand the importance of connecting with others. and it is lovely to go home and be able to see my familiar environments in a new light based on things i have experienced at uni. but it does hurt me how easy it still is, despite all this, for me to fall back into my old habits when i am at home; being unproductive, doom scrolling, the way i can actively feel myself wasting time. i am aware that these are things that negatively impact my mood, and yet i still find myself caught up in them. i wish i understood why i do this. maybe it is the fact that i was working so hard at uni and i have simply crashed here. i have come to understand the concept of taking a real break fairly recently. but i feel as though a break should be healing. and i just wish i could read, or post on here, do things that i know will inspire me as default, instead of reverting to actions that make me feel worse. i believe i can get to that point, every day is a new day and a new chance to live it the way i want to. i am doing my best. maybe my mind is at conflict with itself; it needs a break, but also needs to feel productive, so it does neither. i am working on finding the balance. everything is a work in progress.
Dec 28, 2024
I have the worst fear of staying in one place for too long (both literally & metaphorically) but I think what’s even more dangerous than that is the desire to stay in that rut forever even though it’s not serving you !! That happens to me because I’m so scared of failing or to be seen trying for something but not reaching it in the end. I am feeling so inspired after coming home from a concert & I am allowing myself to bask in that sense of renewal !! Like wow it’s okay that I want to write again despite not doing so for months now! It’s okay that I’m getting into photography again after not honouring my commitment to practise it in the past few months! I am learning more and more from personal experience + observation that some doors only open at the right time and there are times when the right thing to do is to actively pursue something, while there are times when we have to sit still + wait and see
Jul 17, 2024

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