Trying new things and pushing through it all. It feels like shit to be active about what i do in life, but it also benefits me a lot. It helps me stay away from the bad.
Feb 4, 2025

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i began to make more intentional decisions, aligned with what I truly wanted for myself, rather than what others expect from me—whether those "others" are real people or more abstract societal expectations that i had internalized. This meant sitting down and listening to what i needed, wanted, and could give to myself. having an idea of what i want my life to look like in a few years really helps—especially if it’s got a mix of realistic and crazy aspects in it i guess my life is far from perfect, it doesn't have to be. It's all cyclical, i think. I’ve started treating myself with more compassion, which, like everything else, is a work in progress. I try to do this because guilt can be too defeating. i fuck up all the time, but i try again and again and again. And when everything feels overwhelming, I try—if I can—to step back and view my life from an observer's perspective. Detaching a bit can really help.
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I was getting in trouble and then it lead to that idk how, and i never realized it was weird thing to say until i was like in middle school.
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