honestly I was turned off by them for a bit because I tried them at cracker barrel and they were super plain, but they're insanely tasty if they're cooked right and they're really filling. my grandpa used to eat them plain with just sugar sprinkled in them which I think is insane after trying them like that lmao
there's plenty of recipes you can find online but when they're cooked in broth and you add in butter, heavy cream, cheese, and some seasoning, they're great
my roommate introduced me to grits and they’re so easy to make, nourishing, warm etc. boil water, throw grits in, let them thicken, add butter, whisk an egg in (optional), add salt&pepper, voila
When I was learning how to cook a few years back it became very clear to me that even though cooking is an enjoyble- and grounding-to-me activity, I was not built for the kinds of fiddly recipes designed to capture the hearts of the haute bourgeois cooks-as-hobbyist set. Instead, I like something I can make consistently but can tweak with seasonings and add-ins. Two of my life-saving staple meals of this kind—dal and oatmeal—boil down (ha) to the same glamorous genre: gruel !
Gorgeous gorgeous girls love gruel! This morning I’m enjoying my oats seasoned kind of Scandinavian holiday cookie meets generic Indian, with black pepper, cardamom, coriander, and turmeric. And I always throw in some nuts and dried fruits at the end.
Growing up near me there was a restaurant called the Grit which served a dish called the Grit Staple. It was essentially rice and pinto beans and you could add cheese or veg or hot sauce. I love making this or other Grit Staple variations (ie Spanish rice and black or refried beans, sticky rice and edamame, etc)
I was bullied a lot for my eye color as a kid (because me having very dark brown hair and very dark brown eyes made me look "evil", apparently) and, naturally, began to dislike them. but as I've gotten out of school and away from people who put me down, I've realized how insane it is to bully someone over their eye and hair color and grown to love the color of my eyes. I mean, they may be dark but there's nothing wrong with that. and I can take pretty pictures of my eyes too, I just have to blind myself and almost stare into the sun to do so lol
recently, when I wake up in the morning and have time to kill, I've been spending a bit of time reading before or after I get myself ready to go about the day instead of sitting on my phone when I first wake up. I feel like it helps clear my mind for the day and it feels nice to not immediately scroll when I wake up like I used to
"yap" about the things that interest you all you want; enjoy your hobbies and pour your heart into them, stop worrying about if what you're into is "cringe"; if your friends don't like your hobbies/interests and put you down for enjoying them, find people that will; surround yourself with people you love who love you back and you will be so much happier than the people that are so quick to put others down for pursuing their happiness