I find that I can only really think deeply about myself and my life when I've had time away from people. I like to find an activity that I can do by myself for myself and I do that for a few hours.
Feb 23, 2025

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So true, I often forget to unsocialize myself consciously and to take real time alone
Feb 23, 2025

Related Recs

Traveling alone is important for people. Go find yourself, allow yourself to find your space. Go for a bike ride, get in your car, get in a kayak and drift down a river. Being able to spend time alone in a world where everything pushing at you is key. I like to eat in restaurants alone and be by myself. It gives you self awareness and understand the space that you are, the person that you are. Gotta take a step back from the scene and be a nobody sometimes.
Nov 30, 2022
lately I’ve been doing chores/sitting in Ubers/hanging out alone without music or podcasts and it is nice to just stare into space and experience ur thoughts sometimes…… Can be scary! But nice too :)
Feb 8, 2024
I'm no expert and I don't know you but sometimes when I feel like that it's because I can't get all the other thoughts out of my head. A thing that can help with that is put yourself in a space where you let your brain relax, like a spa day where you have to put your phone away (if you're addicted to your phone) or just leaving the house with no itinerary if you've always got things to occupy your head in the home. I sadly have no solution on how to get free time to do these things, if your day is completely filled, other than..pick the least priority thing and swap it out for some me time? Once you make room for the things you love, at least with me its easier to feel like I have "found the time".
Apr 16, 2024

Top Recs from @mindpalace

don't just consider the benefits of adulthood, dream about having a full-time job, starting something new, taking care of yourself, running errands, etc. let it be something you really look forward to. it's much less scary that way
Feb 23, 2025
try going to a local library once a week, or a gym, a museum, a thrift store, cafe, etc. if you find you like the vibe of a certain place, hang out there and be pleasant with the employees, after a while, they will remember you and will likely chat with you this is more of a method to get used to talking to people, of course an employee is getting paid to talk to you, but in my own experience, i love taking to regulars!
Feb 24, 2025
i honestly don't know if this is a good idea or not, but when you're feeling like there's no one in the world that could possibly love you, try thinking that everyone is secretly in love with you. and the truth is, there is likely someone in your life that has/had/or will have feelings for you but might not ever tell you. think about the people in your life that you've had feelings for, but you hadn't told. and if you are like me, someone looking for love, feeling loved makes you all the more confident in finding that love, but don't listen to someone like me, i've never been in love xoxo