I‘ve always felt passionate about breathing and for the last couple of days (currently 7) I‘ve done it all the time. Literally every few seconds. Please don‘t come at me with addiction or whatever, I like it and I don‘t think it has gotten out of hand yet. Sure, I also do it in my sleep, non-stop, but I‘m sure it‘s fine. It just rejuvenates me. Anyone else having a streak right now? Or maybe someone who doesn’t breath? Tell me your experience with it.

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Please don‘t do it. It fucking sucks. I wish I didn’t do it. Now I owe an old friend of mine 30$…
Mar 9, 2025
Many people write journals, but then they also have other things they want to write down, maybe a poem or things that don‘t really fit into a strict diary. May I present to you: the ever trustworthy everything-book! I personally had one ever since I wanted a place to store my poems in. Then I started to add things I wanted to write down that where important (wisdom). Then I added some recipes, then finally a diary and lastly (for now at least) I added a dream section. I find it important to still keep order in the book though or it will be of no use. I recommend a DIN-A4 piece of paper, though I do not know if this is a commonly used term in other languages besides German. If not, then I mean: Use a big notebook, about the size of a normal sheet of paper. This will be useful as you will have way more space. You want to try to somehow have different sections even though you probably don‘t know how many pages each one requires, as it is work in progress for you. But I think you could guess that journaling requires lots of space. You should probably also try to write the more important things in there, maybe not some random thing like a quick note that you‘ll only need for a few minutes. Imagine how useful an everything-book will be! Want to look something up? Grab the ever trustworthy book. When you die, people will have much information about you and it will be very interesting for them. Why would you care? You‘re not in your body anymore.
Mar 8, 2025
What y’all know bout the hard cider challenge? In this challenge you will be subsidizing all your liquids with hard cider for a day. You start in the morning with hard cider about 2% abv, and as the day progresses you switch at noon to hard cider with about 5% abv. Like this and I shall try the challenge and report back to you. You can try it as well. Bonus points if you do it on a work or uni day.
Mar 11, 2025