They can be anything from a simple margarita to a tiki drink with 12 ingredients. Everyone has their own taste and everything is worth trying at least once. Your ancestors didn’t ferment or soak plants in grain alcohol for no reason! They taste good and are fun to drink. Lately I’ve been drinking the Pierre Ferrand Yuzu curaçao in anything where I’d use normal orange curaçao and it’s fantastic.
Jan 22, 2024

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here is what I like to drink, any kind of semi nice or cocktail focused bar should have these ingredients on hand my favorite with gin: the last word - gin, maraschino, chartreuse, lime, a cherry garnish with rum: jungle bird - rum, Campari, pineapple, lime, simple syrup, pineapple to garnish with tequila: matador - tequila, dry vermouth, orange curaçao, grapefruit peel oils squeezed on top
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