It’s difficult to really share how you feel and what you need. We can easily slip into some kind of survival mode where we people please, or shut down, or lash out in anger. But what’s beneath that? What underlying need isn‘t being expressed or met?
Of course, being able to speak to our true needs and feelings is difficult, but it can be even harder to recognize what we actually feel or need — especially if those survival modes have been our default for so long.
Work on some somatic practices. Get in touch with your own body and the feelings that arise. Use that as a starting point to recognize what it is you need from yourself, as well as from other people, and then work towards sharing those needs directly to other people.
It’s not easy being vulnerable. In fact, it‘s right there in the word: vulnerable. Yet developing that capacity has been transformative for me over the past 5 or 6 years. Slowly but surely.