It feels like more money, more problems. Body parts hurt and don’t heal right away. Yeah you have heartburn, a handful of friends, and they all live far away. You question life choices, finally start figuring out what the hell you’re supposed to be doing. But you also find peace, get more comfortable in your own skin. You can see through the bullshit, can recognize the people who are genuine. Your 30s are like your 20s. Your brain won’t see the difference, you’ll just know when you look around and think “hey, this isn’t so bad”.

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Your thirties are essentially your twenties, but with a filter placed over them. So you lose some of the joy, passion, and vitality, but you gain an added depth and richness. Things that seemed unattainable before, suddenly start to take shape. There's still some chaos, but now the chaos coexists with stability in a steady little invigorating balance and you finally start to get to put some of that "experience" to use as you continue to navigate and learn about this shit show we call life.
I’ve taken some time to think about this, because so much I could say feels circumstantial.  But here’s what I’ve come to: I’m still technically early 30’s, but one thing I’ve noticed from myself and friends is a higher level of intentionality.  There is an inherent drive to deepen bonds that are worth it, and moving energy away from those that are draining.  In order to do that, you have to be intentional about building those connections.  All my friends are busy, myself included, so we carve out time to spend together and make sure that happens at least monthly.  I actually host a monthly game night which is intentionally very laid back and an opportunity to just have fun, because I know we all need it!  I still make connections with new people, but there has to be a little something there for me to put my time and energy into creating something more. I also found my focus shifting from short term to long term.  That was uncomfortable for me.  While I’m still a very in the moment person, I started actually thinking about how I wanted my life to look not just right now, but years from now. It’s true that you’ll get a lot of clarity on who you are.  I just am who I am, and I’m not trying things out anymore.  That doesn’t mean I’m not open and curious and playful, but at my core I’m solid.  Either people vibe with that or they don’t, it’s not personal to me. I don’t need to be liked by everyone, and I don’t need to like everyone. Working on yourself is essential. We all have issues, most of them aren’t our fault, but it is our responsibility to work on them.  We also all have core issues that will never fully go away, but can get better.  Healing is a spiral and we’re never fully done.  Life is healing, integrating, enjoying the new level, then leveling up again! My 20s very much felt like a portal and now my 30s are feeling like a much different kind of one. Welcome to the club and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! 🥳
Jun 7, 2024
💰 that from a friend when I turned 30, so passing on this advice, but also to think of personal wealth as life experience, like being more aware of what you like and what you don't, thus able to avoid unpleasant situations or know your worth more, as a person. Basically, you are more immune to bullshit now, welcome! And a happy happy birthday! Also - exercise kind of becomes important now, take stairs, stretch your muscles if you're on the computer for awhile. Move around more. Your later years will thank you lol
Jun 6, 2024

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