this is an incredibly unoriginal take, i know, but sometimes itā€™s nice to just have someone to hold and be held. to have a person. solitude is nice, but iā€™m experiencing the fleeting yet grounding feeling for the first time in my life that i am utterly helpless in the arms of another. it is not obsession in the traditional sense. it is not settling for what you can get. itā€™s a feeling that i couldnā€™t possibly articulate. itā€™s the visceral and raw pulling in my chest at the thought of my person. i donā€™t know exactly what this feeling is but itā€™s the loveliest and most nauseating notion i have ever had.
Feb 19, 2025

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confession time !! I feel extraordinarily mediocre at everything I do. itā€™s everywhere: english class, hockey practice, every social interaction Iā€™ve ever experienced. I always hear ā€œyouā€™re doing just fineā€, but that feels like what they say to 8 year olds who canā€™t read yet. itā€™s like Im always 1 step behind being ā€œimpressiveā€. why do I want that for myself anyway? I choke on the feeling of being average so viscerally, that I become just so. anyway, if this is relatable to anyone the most helpful advice Iā€™ve ever received on the matter is to shut up! stop comparing yourself to everyone around you! thanks :)
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